Wednesday 12 November 2014

Never say its quiet...

Typical. I mentioned it was unusually quiet in the UK corporate dealmaking scene in a post this morning and a couple of hours later my rivals unearth a cracking scoop.

Anyway, Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment confirmed at lunchtime that it has entered into talks with companies interested in buying, or merging with, the online gaining group.

Here is a link to Bwin's statement: 

The statement came after Paul Murphy over at FT Alphaville revealed Amaya Gaming Group of Canada had submitted a £1.2 billion takeover bid for Bwin. Huge hat tip to Paul, one of the best financial hacks knocking about the City of London.

Oscar Williams-Grut, the stock market reporter over at The Evening Standard and The Independent, also deserves a mention because he wrote prior to Bwin's statement that Playtech is interested in buying Bwin and raising finance via a convertible bond to do the deal.

Here is a link Williams-Grut's market report: 

Last time I checked, and this was at least three months ago, Playtech was looking pretty hard at Ladbrokes, in which it already has a stake. Perhaps, though, Playtech, controlled by Teddy Sagi, has moved on? It sounds like Williams-Grut knows more than me on this one. So, keep on eye on his columns in The Evening Standard and The Independent.

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