Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Tuesday review - part 2

I should have mentioned this piece from the Financial Times - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/3a26241c-81b0-11e5-8095-ed1a37d1e096.html#axzz3qQcDFYoP - in my earlier post.

It's bit of "old" news (the fact that Pfizer approached GlaxoSmithKline before Allergan) that hadn't made into the public domain. But as it has been shown here on little old Betaville, "old" news can often become "new" news, so in the right circumstances is definitely worth reporting. Hat tip, then, to the raft of FT hacks who discovered the "old" news.

And as I said on Tip TV a couple of weeks ago following Kleinman's piece about Neil Woodford shaking the tree at GSK, when leading activist investors get involved with mega caps it can often be the catalyst to a big deal.

So watch out GSK...

1 comment:

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